Saturday, January 18, 2014

let's start all over again.

I've been sleeping quite late lately, shall write a post before I head for bed! Haven't been able to find a time for me to blog. I'm tired everyday, get back to my room in hall I will have to upload photos then head for bed. 

School term just started, feeling a little overwhelmed with my workload. Hall stuff and school stuff. Maybe still not so much of school stuff yet though I do really have to set pace for my tutorial, always so last minute is not the way to do it. Been busy for the whole holiday, haven't been really home. Felt really guilty because Chinese New Year is coming real soon yet I am not home to help mum out, just all stuck in school with my commitments in hall. Well, this is my choice and I guess I just have to learn to make a balance between both. 

First week of school and I was tight down with the work mum passed me to do to earn some extra allowance, ah crap it took up so much of my time. That was the main reason why I was so overwhelmed plus the part when I have to assign my subcomm to go for the various game to take photo and not many are available to help out. When I finally got the work done, I was so so so relieved, it's like the OH MY IT'S SUCH A CHORE AND I'M DONE YOOOOO. Ok maybe a bit exaggerated. 


那一年才15岁的我到底在像什么呢? 但是我知道我现在吃的榴莲是甜的。
Thank you for telling me you'll be there for me. 
That is all I need.

because in your arms, 
I feel safe and warmth. 

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